Self Confidence


Self Confidence

When you read those words, what is the first thing that you think of? What does self confidence look & feel like in your world?

This month’s journey is on a topic that is really close to my heart, something I’ve worked with a lot over the years and I still continue to work with. 

It’s often the case that our insecurities and struggles with confidence come from the root of feeling not enough. Or maybe in some cases, feeling like we’re too much.  To counteract these feelings it can be a slippery slope of pleasing other people, lack of boundaries, feeling frustrated, angry and shameful.  We can develop a cycle of anxiety and learn to bury our softer more vulnerable parts in order to showcase a tougher, more ‘put-together’ exterior. We can hold ourselves back from passions or having full lives for fear of failing or being too afraid to lose, either something, someone or ourselves in the process.

What I’ve learned is a bit of a hard truth when we get into the nitty-gritty of why we lack confidence, happiness or enoughn-ess.. ready for it?  The ability to feel like we belong is our own responsibility, nobody else’s.  WE are responsible for our thoughts, our feelings and how we want to feel.








By cultivating our courage to be who we are uncensored, compassion to others and to ourselves, and connections with people through both good times and bad, we can begin to recognize our self-worth and live with meaning and satisfaction. We can be us, exactly as we are, and go through life with confidence and joy.

-Brene Brown


There are no pre-requisites for being good enough, so why do we put expectations on ourselves to be like other people, or to give other opinions and judgements so much weight? 





This month we are diving into classes that slowly break down the layers to build a strong, vibrant practice, while challenging you to embrace all parts of yourself and come out with a deeper sense of self-belief and confidence inside & out. 

We will focus on creative progression that builds over time, much like we do as individuals throughout our experiences. Focusing on the process, rather than the outcome. Each day, each class peeling back another layer, getting to know ourselves, our fears, our insecurities & learning to embrace who we are fully. The process of finding a home within ourselves wherever we are at is one of the greatest gifts we could ever experience. Allowing us to show up fully in any good or turbulent season of life.


A peek inside our confidence inspired classes:






Join us & Dive Into Your Practice











Check out this months themed playlist here!


I can’t wait to dive into this practice with you xo


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